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From the Archives...

Posted by
Steven (Chicagoland, United States) on 30 April 2010 in Cityscape & Urban.

I'm off to Williamsburg, VA and Washington, DC to enjoy some down time and to take tons of photographs of the surrounding environs.

This photo was taken in 1995, which was the last time I was in Washington, DC and before photography became a hobby of mine. I hope to share much better photos upon my return. And hopefully the flag on the Iwo Jima memorial won't be wrapped around the pole like it was here.

Photo taken in September of 1995.

New photos posted on most Mondays through Thursdays.
All photos are copyrighted and may not be reproduced or distributed without my expressed, written consent.

Spotlight Images

Alun from cheshire, United Kingdom

Looking forward to your new images, nice one

30 Apr 2010 5:02am

kate from lincolnshire, United Kingdom

~` hughe memorial~ enjoy your time away and take lots of great pictures~~!

30 Apr 2010 5:36am

Florence from Paris, France

Ain't this sculpture inspired by a photograph too during WWII in the Pacific ?

30 Apr 2010 7:18am

@Florence: Yes it was. Here it is.

Sarito from Basingstoke, United Kingdom

Have a nice trip, Steven..

30 Apr 2010 7:46am

MadScientist from Düsseldorf, Germany

It's not a bad shot, but one clearly sees your photographic progress since then. It will be interesting to compare this shot with your next version. Have a nice trip!

30 Apr 2010 9:31am

Mhelene from Paris, France

Beautifully framed ! I saw the film of this battle!

30 Apr 2010 12:11pm

Elena Kotrotsou from Drossia, Greece

Great shot!

30 Apr 2010 1:35pm

MARIANA from Waterloo, Canada

Very cool compo :) Great looking monument :)

30 Apr 2010 2:13pm

Michael Rawluk from Williams Lake, BC, Canada

That is the second raising of the flag on Iwo Jima. There is a photo of the first at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:First_Iwo_Jima_Flag_Raising.jpg

30 Apr 2010 4:15pm

dideban from mashhad, Iran

Gret shot

30 Apr 2010 5:39pm

Ronnie 2¢ from Atlantic Shores, United Kingdom

Never loses the impact, this memorial . . nor should it.

30 Apr 2010 6:55pm

Steve Rice from Olympia, United States


30 Apr 2010 9:42pm

Denise from Duncannon, United States

CAn't wait to see your shots from this trip as well, be safe.

1 May 2010 2:03am

Antoine from France

Superb composition and your framing is very good. Bonne après-midi Steven.

1 May 2010 9:21pm

Self-Indulgence from Chicagoland, United States

Yup yup can tell your progress though you can't help the twisting of the flag. It happens even on the one on my house and it never undoes itself. I always have to unwind it. Take care on your trip and hope to see some wonderful shots when you get back!

4 May 2010 6:25pm

Charles Dastodd from Chicago, United States

have a great trip!!

6 May 2010 1:49pm

pixator from Iran


9 May 2010 11:40am

Céline from New York City, United States

Such an iconic sculpture ! Nice shot !

10 May 2010 7:31pm

Earnest from Oklahoma, United States

How can any American not feel pride!

18 May 2010 4:48pm