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Michigan Avenue Bridge

Posted by
Steven (Chicagoland, United States) on 23 September 2010 in Cityscape & Urban and Portfolio.

The Michigan Avenue Bridge is a bascule bridge that carries Michigan Avenue across the main stem of the Chicago River. The bridge was constructed between 1918 and 1920 as part of a plan to link Chicago's south side and north side parks with a grand boulevard. It is an early example of a fixed trunnion bascule bridge, which later became widely known as a "Chicago style bascule." It is part of the Michigan–Wacker Historic District and is a Chicago Landmark.

Michigan Avenue Bridge is a double-leaf, double-deck, fixed counterweight, trunnion bascule bridge. It has four bascule leaves such that it functions as two parallel bridges that can be operated independently of one another; at the time of construction bridges in the Chicago River were frequently struck by vessels, and this duplex arrangement allows for leaves damaged in such a collision to be opened for repair without needing to completely close the bridge to traffic. The counterweights are below the level of the lower deck and when the bridge is opened they swing down into 40-foot deep reinforced concrete tailpits that descend 34.5 feet below the surface of the river.

In Spring and Fall, the bridge is raised twice weekly to allow sailboats to pass between Lake Michigan and inland boat yards where they are stored for the winter. Two 108-horsepower motors open and close each of the 3,750-ton bridge leaves.

Photo captured on July 2, 2010.

SONY DSLR-A300 1/80 second F/8.0 ISO 100 35 mm

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Spotlight Images

6ft5 from Stockholm, Sweden

Great capture of a great bridge. Extra points for all the info about the bridge. Also. Nice amount of HDR :)

23 Sep 2010 5:39am

Sarito from Basingstoke, United Kingdom

Excellent shot and processing.. it looks familiar..

23 Sep 2010 8:20am

Peter from Amsterdam, Netherlands

Crossed that bridge numerous times last summer but never looked over the railing, didn't know it was a two-layer one.

23 Sep 2010 11:20am

@Peter: I didn't either until I saw it that day. I have been blind!

The MaJor from TM HooD, Iran

very cool catch

23 Sep 2010 11:56am

Denny Jump Photo from Easton, PA, United States

Just phenomenal and thank you VERY much for that very clear and MOST appreciated narrative, Steven. That is a fascinating story matched by your characteristic sharp, clear, perfectly composed shot...you and I have been having this conversation: at the last moment, my eye caught the guy walking across the lower walkway there..I had beens so preoccupied just studying your wonderful detail and looking at the underside of the bridge, I almost did not see him..and there he is - case in point for including people in some images...great job Steven - sorry for the long comment :-)

23 Sep 2010 12:18pm

Tamara from Aarschot, Belgium

Excellent processing... I also like the perfect framing, really well done Steven :) Have a great day !

23 Sep 2010 12:36pm

john4jack from Corvallis, Oregon, United States

hdr renders this one well

23 Sep 2010 3:09pm

Sunder from Chennai, India

Excellent shot!
Love the framing, lighting, colours and processing..

23 Sep 2010 3:41pm

Antoine from France

Superb shot with a excellent framing. Détail and contrastes are very beautiful. Excellent work Steven. Have a lovely day Steven.

23 Sep 2010 7:58pm

Steve Rice from Olympia, United States

Another beauty! I like the way the reflected light hits the beams under the bridge deck.

23 Sep 2010 8:54pm

Ronnie 2¢ from Atlantic Shores, United Kingdom

The bridge has such a neat purposefulness about it . . kinda understated in a way.

23 Sep 2010 10:19pm

Wild Mustang Photography from Carlisle, United States

Interesting and beautiful shot! Wonderful color and processing! Amazing photography!

23 Sep 2010 10:31pm

Michael Rawluk from Williams Lake, Canada

It the water really that colour. Gorgeous.

24 Sep 2010 2:35am

Dutçh from Chicagoland, United States

You really caught all the patterns of the bridge in perfect detail. I also like the array of flags and how you kept them in the frame. Brilliant composition!

24 Sep 2010 3:03am

Curly from South Shields, United Kingdom

You have captured so much depth here, and the contrast between highlights and shadows are excellent.

24 Sep 2010 8:30am

MadScientist from Düsseldorf, Germany

Stunning details in this busy scene, wonderful image!

25 Sep 2010 9:25pm

Alun from cheshire, United Kingdom

What a really cool bridge, great shot

26 Sep 2010 8:34pm