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Flower Towers #3

Posted by
Steven (Chicagoland, United States) on 22 February 2016 in Landscape & Rural and Portfolio.

Tucked inside the lush Tongass National Forest, discover an Alaskan botanical garden unlike anywhere else in the world. Vibrant hanging gardens spill from 15-foot-tall upside down tree “Flower Towers” and elegantly designed landscapes compliment the natural beauty of the rainforest. Explore these unique gardens on a guided tour in a covered vehicle, then travel through 50 acres of temperate rainforest.

Who knew that a rainforest existed in Alaska??!!

No tour gives you easier access to the Tongass, the largest national forest in the US. The tour is a great way to explore the rainforest, and includes panoramic views of Juneau. The vast gardens are the creation of Steve and Cindy Bowhay, former local commercial fishermen and master gardeners who purchased the property for a stream rehabilitation project. The project took on a life of its own, and they’ve developed a tour through two miles of trails of personally designed and installed botanical gardens.

Here is another flower tower spotted inside the Glacier Gardens in Juneau, Alaska. These flower towers are actually tree trunks that are flipped upside down with the root balls of the trees forming planters for various plants and flower arrangements. These trees were a result of a major landslide that occurred in 1984. The owner of the property took these trees and flipped them upside down and planted them deep into the ground.

Photo captured September 16, 2015.

NIKON D7000 1/60 second F/4.0 ISO 400 33 mm (35mm equiv.)

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Spotlight Images

claudine/canelle from lorient, France

Quel plaisir de voir cet environnement !!

22 Feb 2016 7:18am

franz from Baden, Austria

still fascinating ...

22 Feb 2016 10:36am

Stephen from Canberra, Australia

Wonderful shot of these marvelous flower towers. The tree creations are living works of art.

22 Feb 2016 11:23am

Sarito from Basingstoke, United Kingdom

Excellent shot, the green fills the frame nicely

22 Feb 2016 1:01pm

Graciel·la (Vic. Catalonia) from CAT. New European State, Poland

Tropical setting. Impressive plants.

22 Feb 2016 4:05pm

Steve Rice from Olympia, United States

A beautiful photo of these curious tree planters. This looks to be an especially nice cluster of them. The people who did this had a great idea.

22 Feb 2016 6:10pm

Ruthiebear from Titusville, NJ, United States

Gorgeous colors among the greens.

22 Feb 2016 6:43pm

Yvon from Belgium

Nice shot, bravo.
Have a nice week, Steven.

22 Feb 2016 7:55pm

omid from mashhad, Iran

very nice shot
with beautiful composition & lights!
Lovely colors!

22 Feb 2016 9:11pm

yo from Ile de France, France

Quelle végétation luxuriante ! Merci pour tous les détails !

22 Feb 2016 9:12pm

Moridi from Tehran, Iran

Nice shot. Well done.

22 Feb 2016 9:43pm

Baldwin VW from Bejuma, Venezuela

The idea of the inverted tree trunks used to create these magnificent aerial gardens still amazes me ... Superb image !!!

22 Feb 2016 11:50pm

Michael Rawluk from Williams Lake, BC, Canada

They are absolutely amazing.

23 Feb 2016 1:29am

Harry from Apex, NC, United States

The two tourists wear brighter colors than the flowers they are there to observe.

23 Feb 2016 2:23am

@Harry: Great observation!

Elaine Hancock from Rockville, United States

It is just so interesting to me that this looks almost like a tropical rain forest but everybody is wearing coats! Gorgeous colors!

23 Feb 2016 2:46am

Nicou from Sion, Switzerland

Quel beau jardin et végétation quel personnages superbe.

23 Feb 2016 4:20am

tataray from Charentes-Poitou, France

Belle façon d'être les arbres... Splendide décoration que ce parc.)

23 Feb 2016 8:10am

L'Angevine from Angers, France


23 Feb 2016 2:57pm