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Charleston City Market

Posted by
Steven (Chicagoland, United States) on 2 April 2020 in Documentary & Street and Portfolio.

A view captured from inside the historic Charleston City Market in Charleston, South Carolina.

On the exterior of the building is a historic marker, which reads:

"On this site stands one of Charleston's oldest public facilities in continuous use: the City Market. Earlier markets, dating back to the city's location to the peninsula, ca. 1680, offered meat, fish, and vegetables at different sites. After the American Revolution, however, the city sought to consolidate this activity in one location and chose the present site, which was then a creek and marsh extending from Meeting Street to the Cooper River, briefly designated Canal or Channel Street.

Six neighbors, among them Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, who owned the largest portion, donated land in March 1788, directing the city to open a market. By 1792, some marsh and creek had been filled and a brick market, 200 feet long, stood near Meeting Street. In late 1793, the city had converted that structure to house refugees from St. Domingo, and the land reverted to its original owners because market had not been erected within the specified time. Once the property was again donated to the city in 1804, construction resumed. The "Centre Market", consisting of separate sheds for fresh meats and vegetables, opened 1 August 1807, while sheds for fish and "small meats" opened later. Here, the city's population, both slave and free, gathered daily to buy and sell locally-raised commodities and imported delicacies.

Market Hall, designed by E.B. White and built for the meetings of the market commissioners and others, opened in 1841 on the site of the original depot for country wagons. The rise of grocery stores and refrigeration in the early twentieth century sapped the market's vitality, and its fortunes steadily declined. Renewal projects in the 1970's attracted visitors seeking souvenirs rather than groceries.

The Market was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1973 and designated a National Historic Landmark in 1975. Although damaged by fires, tornadoes, hurricanes and an earthquake, the City Market continues to function as one of Charleston's most cherished institutions."

Photo captured October 9, 2019.

NIKON D7000 1/60 second F/4.0 ISO 450 33 mm (35mm equiv.)

New photos posted on most Mondays through Thursdays.
All photos are copyrighted and may not be reproduced or distributed without my expressed, written consent.

Spotlight Images

Martine Girard from Brest, France

On voit qu'il n'y avait pas encore le confinement.

2 Apr 2020 5:08am

@Martine Girard: Je montre toujours la date à laquelle mes images ont été photographiées. C'était en octobre de l'année dernière.

By Marie from Entre By Marie et Montagnes, France

Nice perspective and monochrome. Definitely before containment.

2 Apr 2020 5:13am

Jypyä Pop from Turku, Finland

There is no corona yet

2 Apr 2020 5:19am

@Jypyä Pop: I always indicate the date that the photo was taken, which was in October of last year.

Ralf Kesper from Fröndenberg, Germany

This hdr is really effective in b/w.

2 Apr 2020 5:36am

Devi from Chennai, India

Gosh! This place more than 200 years old ! Great!! I love that signage saying " Magic Happens Here."
I wish it does!!
The image must have been shot before the Social Distancing call!
Lovely capture:)

2 Apr 2020 5:40am

: Helen : from who is currently photographing in, Australia

Love the busyness of this photograph. So crisp and clear, so much to see! Nice work!

2 Apr 2020 7:03am

jpla from Anjou, France

Joli traitement

2 Apr 2020 7:09am

omar from Hamburg, Germany

Must be before corona. Nice market with amazing architecture.

2 Apr 2020 7:37am

Pascale MD from Occitanie, France

Un bel endroit pour un marché couvert.
Bonne journée Steven

2 Apr 2020 8:17am

Existence Artistique from Angers, France

superbe cet effet

2 Apr 2020 8:38am

Shaun from Massachusetts, United States

This is a great look at people in the market. Excellent B/W Steven. 5*

2 Apr 2020 8:40am

grouser from Ludlow, United Kingdom

Your usual great documentation and an excellent shot to go with it.
Are your food markets still open there? Here in Ludlow they have closed the local market which seems an incredibly stupid decision, as it is outdoors and therefore probably much safer than shopping in a supermarket

2 Apr 2020 8:50am

@grouser: I always state when the image was taken, which was in October of last year. It's still too cold for outdoor markets to open here, but well-known ones have stated that they will be taking orders online with no market set up starting at the end of April.

Hiro from Kyoto, Japan

We will be able to visit there again.

2 Apr 2020 9:22am

Ana Lúcia from Leiria, Portugal

This really worked well in B&W.

2 Apr 2020 10:12am

Lougris from Toulouse, France

Presque un peu nostalgique cette photo !! :)

2 Apr 2020 10:27am

Mhelene from Villiers-sur-Marne, France

Superb composition inside the historic market .

2 Apr 2020 10:44am

beach from Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

Still pretty busy, but I notice this was taken a while back. Thanks for the history.

2 Apr 2020 11:29am

Don from Spokane, United States

A great shot in the days when people could be close. A fine photo.

2 Apr 2020 12:25pm

Nicou from Sion, Switzerland

Que de monde dans ce marché quelle vue et cet arche ce passage ce NB superbe
Belle soirée

2 Apr 2020 2:02pm

Dreams come true from Utrecht, Netherlands

A fantastic photo from the market hall.
I like market's , only we must stay in our house this month and may be longer .
Thank you for telling the story .

2 Apr 2020 2:14pm

Ruthiebear from Titusville, NJ, United States

Ah, those were the days when we crowded together. I like the B&W tones. Nice point of view also.

2 Apr 2020 2:25pm

véronique cherpantier from sauveterre de guyenne, France

j'aime les marchés couverts, jolis cadrage et traitement

2 Apr 2020 2:50pm

Rose from United States

It has an interesting history...I wouldn't mind walking through it. About once a year would probably be more than enough.

2 Apr 2020 3:06pm

B. Thomas from Arlington, Texas, United States

This Market was one of my favorite things in Charleston. We went there several times. My friends and I all bought thing there.

2 Apr 2020 3:51pm

Libouton Martine from Bousval, Belgium

Très belle ta photo en noir et blanc !!

2 Apr 2020 4:33pm

Willy from Belgium

quel monde dans ce marché couvert Steven

merci pour les informations


2 Apr 2020 4:49pm

tataray from Charentes-Poitou, France

Bien fréquenté ce marché. Il y a foule !.. :))

2 Apr 2020 4:54pm

grouser from Ludlow, United Kingdom

I realised that this was not a current image. There is a certain lack of social distancing :) Our outdoor market is open all year round come rain snow or shine, normally, so to close it now seems counter intuitive.

2 Apr 2020 4:56pm

omid from mashhad, Iran

such beautiful frame, perspective & treatment!
A M A Z I N G !

2 Apr 2020 5:43pm

Steve Rice from Olympia, United States

A beautifully detailed image of this historic market. It must be fun to explore the place.

2 Apr 2020 6:52pm

bruce millen from Kingston, Canada

Well balanced crowd shot.

2 Apr 2020 10:19pm

Harry from Apex, NC, United States

a great place to shop. if you are going to shoot shoppers, black and white is the way to go.

3 Apr 2020 12:59am

Elaine Hancock from Olney, United States

What a vibrant place. I would love to visit there. It has such an interesting history and goes so far back. A great black and white image.

3 Apr 2020 1:51am

jeanmadis from Chonburi, Thailand

Pour chaque image sur ton blog, un fiche infos très opportune, avec un rappel historique du lieu, facilite grandement notre compréhension... je t'en remercie.
Très bon cadrage.

3 Apr 2020 1:57am

@jeanmadis: Merci beaucoup!

Elizabeth Buckalew from Flagstaff, United States

Great shot, Steven! I love the processing!

3 Apr 2020 3:41am

Ginnie Hart from Netherlands

Oh, what a splendid rendering of this place, Steven!

3 Apr 2020 5:11am

Wayra from Roma, Italy

I appreciate the perspective. Nice pic.

3 Apr 2020 6:12am

yoshimiparis from France

What a fabulous story, (thanks to the translator). This covered market was finally built and it took many years
It is "EVIDENT" that this very beautiful photo was taken before the confinement of the world crisis that we know
ps: take care of yourself and "StayAtHome

3 Apr 2020 7:08am

Marjolein from Westvoorne, Netherlands

Great to see the market in bl-white

3 Apr 2020 10:38am

claudine/canelle from lorient, France

Que de monde ....

3 Apr 2020 12:38pm

Jean-Louis Guianvarc'h from Valence d'Albigeois, France

C'était le temps d'avant... Très belle composition.

3 Apr 2020 2:05pm

Remus from Portugal

Clearly, today, there will be no such large movement of people.
In October 2019, we had no idea that the world was going to turn inside out.
Good documentary photo.

3 Apr 2020 2:10pm

sherri from Little Rock, Arkansas, United States

i can imagine how empty this place must be right now

3 Apr 2020 4:21pm

jean pierre from Paris, France

superbe noir et blanc!!! amts

3 Apr 2020 5:01pm

yo from Ile de France, France

Un marché à l'ancienne très plaisant ! Merci, une fois de plus, pour les informations.

3 Apr 2020 7:51pm

Urspo from Phoenix, United States

I too found it a bit amazing to see 'crowds' I felt the same way as if I had seen bellbottoms.

6 Apr 2020 2:12am

The Yum List from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

With the current situation, I'm not sure if I'll ever get used to crowded places again!

6 Apr 2020 5:26am

Annierita & Annisabelle from New Delhi & Belle Ile, India

A very good treatment like an old photo, and according to the present situation, one from already a different time. Annierita

6 Apr 2020 7:38am

Sam from Chennai, India

A beautiful image of this market. And interesting information on the history. :)

2 May 2020 7:26pm