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Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay

Posted by
Steven (Chicagoland, United States) on 27 July 2020 in Miscellaneous and Portfolio.

I've delayed posting this image for some time, changing the post date numerous times. I had noticed just yesterday that the date this photo was taken was one year ago today. Last year's temperatures were more moderate compared to the heat wave we've been experiencing the last week.

Photo captured July 27, 2019 at the Lake Carina Forest Preserve in Gurnee, Illinois.

NIKON D7000 1/250 second F/8.0 ISO 200 18 mm

New photos posted on most Mondays through Thursdays.
All photos are copyrighted and may not be reproduced or distributed without my expressed, written consent.

Spotlight Images

Ginnie Hart from Netherlands

Perfect title for this image, Steven. We've been watching the US temps these last days, thankful that we're not suffering such heat here (where we're still hovering around 60 F in the shade most days). Hopefully you'll see a break soon!

27 Jul 2020 5:16am

Claudine/canelle from Lorient, France

Une très belle photo , j'aime beaucoup !

27 Jul 2020 5:41am

yoshimiparis from France

a very beautiful place, pleasant, quiet, where to settle down to rest with why not a book and a refreshing drink

27 Jul 2020 6:03am

By Marie from Alpes du Dauphiné, France

I like your framing and the subject shown but I admit I still have trouble accepting sepia in pictures.

27 Jul 2020 6:57am

Maryse from bordeaux, France

Ben voilà, maintenant j'ai cette chanson dans la tête pour la journée !!! :-))
Ce banc est pile poil au bon endroit pour faire une pause au bord de ce lac.
En France aussi il fait de plus en plus chaud depuis quelques années, nous ne sommes que fin juillet et déjà le jardin est tout sec.... il faudrait consommer beaucoup trop d'eau pour garder un jardin bien vert ! Et ce n'est qu'un début.... la planète se réchauffe c'est certain !
Bonne journée Steven

27 Jul 2020 6:58am

Florence from Bretagne, France

A photo that inspires relaxation.

27 Jul 2020 7:09am

Existence Artistique from Angers, France

bel effet

27 Jul 2020 8:05am

grouser from Ludlow, United Kingdom

well the perfect place to hang out in a heatwave then :) Nice treatment

27 Jul 2020 9:14am

grouser from Ludlow, United Kingdom

and a classic song to go with it

27 Jul 2020 9:16am

Ralf Kesper from Fröndenberg, Germany

I like this sepia

27 Jul 2020 9:50am

Willy from Belgium

une belle prise de vue de cet endroit paisible...Steven

pas de canicule chez nous...

bon début de semaine

27 Jul 2020 9:50am

Shaun from Massachusetts, United States

What a great place to sit and relax.

27 Jul 2020 11:44am

omar from Hamburg, Germany

Watchin' the tide, roll away
I'm sittin' on the dock of the bay
Wastin' time ....

27 Jul 2020 1:48pm

Devi from Chennai, India

A vast expanse of water to be just viewed!!!!

27 Jul 2020 2:38pm

Ana Lúcia from Leiria, Portugal

Wonderful sepia.

27 Jul 2020 3:01pm

mo.langel from Courtelary, Switzerland

A soft monochrome that goes well with this peaceful atmosphere!

27 Jul 2020 3:07pm

Daniel from Perpignan, France

Cool et retro !

27 Jul 2020 3:48pm

Ruthiebear from Titusville, NJ, United States

I like the sepia tones. A relaxing view

27 Jul 2020 3:50pm

tataray from Charentes-Poitou, France

Un petit bonheur superbe et sympathique.

27 Jul 2020 6:46pm

Rose from United States

You sure got the title right. I love that view.

27 Jul 2020 6:49pm

Hiro from Kyoto, Japan

Nice bench to enjoy the view !

27 Jul 2020 11:40pm

Harry from Apex, NC, United States

I could wish this one a happy anniversary! I like the tan toning. the lake seems calm and placid and out in total wilderness until you notice the transmission towers along the left edge

28 Jul 2020 12:18am

Michael Rawluk from Williams Lake, BC, Canada

That is a very nice shot with the lovely tones. Such a nice relaxing spot to sit and enjoy the view.

28 Jul 2020 12:27am

Elaine Hancock from Olney, United States

A really nice view and it would certainly be a nice place to sit with hopefully a cool breeze. It has been hot here the whole month of July with temperatures above 90 degrees just about every day.

28 Jul 2020 1:08am

B. Thomas from Arlington, Texas, United States

Nice shot and perfect title. Thanks, now I've got that song stuck in my head. ;-)

28 Jul 2020 1:48am

Elizabeth Buckalew from Flagstaff, United States

I like your processing on this - I think it actually expresses the heat...

28 Jul 2020 3:55am

Sam from Chennai, India

Beautiful view of the lake. And a lovely title. :)

28 Jul 2020 7:20am

karla from Omaha, United States

The sepia is very nice, a soft tone, giving this a relaxing feel. Looks like a good spot to sit and think while listening to water lap around the dock.

28 Jul 2020 11:24am

Remus from Portugal

I see no reason why you have been delaying posting the photo. It's a beautiful picture.
The conversion to sepia tone was an excellent option.

28 Jul 2020 1:30pm

jeanmadis from Chonburi, Thailand

Le réchauffement de notre bien aimé planète est une réalité, malheureusement... et les responsables politiques de tous les pays qui le nient, sont irresponsables !

29 Jul 2020 12:57am

The Yum List from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Ooh, this is interesting in sepia.

29 Jul 2020 10:05am

sherri from Little Rock, Arkansas, United States

so aptly named : - )

29 Jul 2020 7:22pm