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Barn Loom

Posted by
Steven (Chicagoland, United States) on 5 October 2020 in Business & Industry and Portfolio.

This barn loom (so-called because of the massive frame inside which the weaver sits) is probably 125 years old. It would have been used to weave simple textiles, such as blankets of homespun yarns or rag rugs of outworn clothing or fabric scraps.

This loom was brought to Washington Island in the 1950's by Louise Erickson, who acquired it in southeastern Wisconsin. It was restored to operation in 1993 and is presently used for weaving demonstrations.

Photo captured in the weaving shed at the farm museum on August 17, 2020.

NIKON D7000 1/30 second F/5.6 ISO 200 18 mm

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Spotlight Images

lisl from Bath, United Kingdom

How well constructed it must be to be fully functional today

5 Oct 2020 5:06am

By Marie from Villages du Lac de Paladru, France

Very nice treatment for this loom which is not new.

5 Oct 2020 5:37am

Shaun from Massachusetts, United States

Must have been hard to work these old looms Steven. Excellent capture.

5 Oct 2020 5:59am

Existence Artistique from Angers, France

bien ce tisseur

5 Oct 2020 7:46am

grouser from Ludlow, United Kingdom

wonderful wooden technology nicely captured

5 Oct 2020 9:04am

Maryse from bordeaux, France

Rien à voir avec les métiers à tisser d'aujourd'hui tout automatique.....
Belle compo de ce vieux métier à tisser qui nous plonge dans la vie d'autrefois.
Bonne journée Steven

5 Oct 2020 9:48am

willy from Belgium

l'évolution des techniques....

une belle prise de ce vieux métier à tisser Steven


5 Oct 2020 9:59am

Marjolein from Westvoorne, Netherlands

Very good mood
We call this `weefgetouw`= (weef=loom; touw=rope/string)

5 Oct 2020 10:49am

Ruthiebear from Titusville, NJ, United States

WOnderful viewpoint. I like the timeless treatment.

5 Oct 2020 2:07pm

Jypyä Pop from Turku, Finland

My grandmother woven rugs in looms like that.

5 Oct 2020 2:28pm

mo.langel from Courtelary, Switzerland

An interesting photo on this old loom!

5 Oct 2020 2:35pm

sherri from Little Rock, Arkansas, United States

what a treasure and so good to see it's being preserved

5 Oct 2020 2:41pm

Lougris from Toulouse, France

A l'époque ou le métier était un art...

5 Oct 2020 2:49pm

Dreams come true from Utrecht, Netherlands

Love the presentation of your photos.
This one is also beautiful with the old loom.

5 Oct 2020 3:21pm

omid from mashhad, Iran

A M A Z I N G !

5 Oct 2020 4:35pm

Roland Theys from gerpinnes, Belgium

A very nice photo!

5 Oct 2020 5:18pm

tataray from Charentes-Poitou, France

Un magnifique métier à tisser. jolie présentation en sépia.

5 Oct 2020 5:21pm

Ralf Kesper from Fröndenberg, Germany

Perfect sepia for this old stuff.

5 Oct 2020 5:28pm

Rose from United States

I have always wished I had a place big enough and had a loom! This is a great photo...

5 Oct 2020 6:43pm

Calusarus from Valence, France

What a nice old industrial piece of art

5 Oct 2020 7:44pm

Ana Lúcia from Leiria, Portugal

Excellent details.

5 Oct 2020 7:45pm

Michael Rawluk from Williams Lake, BC, Canada

Very nice. Looms are such ingenious machines.

5 Oct 2020 10:05pm

Harry from Apex, NC, United States

a fine primitive machine - nicely again in your sepia

6 Oct 2020 1:28am

Elaine Hancock from Olney, United States

A wonderful composition. These have always looks so complicated to me. It is fascinating so seem someone using one.

6 Oct 2020 1:35am

CrashRyan from New Jersey/NYC area, United States

The complex and intricate design still is amazing after all these centuries .

6 Oct 2020 3:42am

Sam from Chennai, India

Wonderful image and interesting information. Excellent details. :)

6 Oct 2020 4:53am

omar from Hamburg, Germany

Fantastic, we can not imagine that people worked that way once...

6 Oct 2020 11:26am

jeanmadis from Chonburi, Thailand

Cela représente tout un travail artisanal et toute une époque.
Superbe machine à tisser.

7 Oct 2020 2:40am

Remus from Portugal

All of this, without the use of electricity or any electronic element.
A real engineering progress.

7 Oct 2020 8:22pm

Diane from Parksville, Canada

remarkable. And to think of all the hard work that went into obtaining the yarn before creating a durable blanket for her family

10 Oct 2020 1:31am

The Yum List from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

We are so fortunate today to have such labour-saving devices.

10 Oct 2020 1:40am