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Corn Cultivator

Posted by
Steven (Chicagoland, United States) on 6 October 2020 in Business & Industry and Portfolio.

The plates, teeth and wheels are spaced to match the rows of corn. The driver lifts the teeth and plates when necessary.

Donated by E. Todd Wheeler who owned the Martin Farm east of the Farm Museum.

Photo captured August 17, 2020.

NIKON D7000 1/90 second F/8.0 ISO 892 18 mm

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Spotlight Images

By Marie from Villages du Lac de Paladru, France

Magnificent. I see a lot of such devices in my campaign, they are left abandoned when it would be a good idea to detonate them in a place that brings them together so that the younger generation can see what the tools of our youth looked like.

6 Oct 2020 5:31am

Martine Girard from Brest, France

Belle antiquité.

6 Oct 2020 5:36am

Jypyä Pop from Turku, Finland

Modern technology of its time. Fortunately, it has survived

6 Oct 2020 5:37am

Ana Lúcia from Leiria, Portugal

A wonderful image.

6 Oct 2020 6:25am

Brian from Christchurch, New Zealand

Nice image

6 Oct 2020 6:35am

claudine/canelle from Lorient, France

Toute une époque passée ...

6 Oct 2020 6:53am

jpla from Anjou, France

dans ma jeunesse, il y en avait beaucoup dans les fermes

6 Oct 2020 7:05am

Shaun from Massachusetts, United States

Always great to see these old farm machines.

6 Oct 2020 7:11am

mo.langel from Courtelary, Switzerland

A beautiful old plow!

6 Oct 2020 7:35am

Existence Artistique from Angers, France

bien le siège de cet engin

6 Oct 2020 7:41am

grouser from Ludlow, United Kingdom

another fine piece of engineering nicely composed and treated. Quality machinery was built to last in those days, a concept we would do well to recapture

6 Oct 2020 8:51am

Hiro from Kyoto, Japan

good looking old guy !

6 Oct 2020 11:15am

Rose Swalls from United States

I would love to visit this place.

6 Oct 2020 11:20am

omar from Hamburg, Germany

Old stuff, today we got huge machines. Nice shot!

6 Oct 2020 11:24am

lisl from Bath, United Kingdom

Good that this has been given a new home, and not left to rust out

6 Oct 2020 12:08pm

Mhelene from Villiers-sur-Marne, France

Beautiful composition and very interesting .

6 Oct 2020 12:30pm

Maryse from bordeaux, France

Joli vestige du temps passé que tu as su bien mettre en valeur !
Bonne fin de journée Steven

6 Oct 2020 1:58pm

Ruthiebear from Titusville, NJ, United States

I like the light and details.

6 Oct 2020 3:34pm

tataray from Charentes-Poitou, France

Belle et bien conservée. Le traitement sépia lui va à merveille.

6 Oct 2020 3:45pm

Dreams come true from Utrecht, Netherlands

This is a very old machine .
Interesting information.
Years ago in Germany I saw a lot of special old machines in a special farm village. Your photo is excellent .

6 Oct 2020 4:07pm

Don from Spokane, United States

A fine old piece of machinery that was carefully designed to work corn rows.

6 Oct 2020 6:47pm

omid from mashhad, Iran

such beautiful composition, lights & details!
Amazing series.

6 Oct 2020 6:48pm

Calusarus from Valence, France


6 Oct 2020 7:26pm

Ralf Kesper from Fröndenberg, Germany

Interesting tool.

6 Oct 2020 8:20pm

Michael Rawluk from Williams Lake, BC, Canada

Nicely shot. I like the toning.

6 Oct 2020 9:25pm

Elaine Hancock from Olney, United States

A great image! It seems like it would be quite a bumpy ride!

6 Oct 2020 9:44pm

Harry from Apex, NC, United States

modern machinery! The farmer gets to ride while the horse of mule does the hard work

7 Oct 2020 12:26am

jeanmadis from Chonburi, Thailand

Magnifique outil de travail qui date certainement des années cinquante et même peut-être d'avant guerre.
Qui évoque en moi des souvenirs d'enfance durant les grandes vacances.

7 Oct 2020 2:36am

Remus from Portugal

This, on the other hand, needed the collaboration of an animal, such as an ox or a horse.
But the seat does not seem to be very comfortable. It was necessary to wear padded underwear.
:-P :-D

7 Oct 2020 8:25pm

The Yum List from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

From times long past.

10 Oct 2020 1:38am