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University of Illinois Marching Illini

Posted by
Steven (Chicagoland, United States) on 8 March 2023 in Sport & Recreation and Portfolio.

During my tenure at the University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign) in the late 1980's, I had the fortune of being a member of the Marching Illini. Attending a university with over 35,000 students seemed quite daunting. But being a member of this marching band, where there were 350 members, it made the university seem that much smaller as you always saw a fellow member walking the Quad or in some of your classes with their Marching Illini jacket, t-shirt or uniform on. We were a group that performed for many events besides football games, so we were also together quite often, including our daily marching rehearsals and Tuesday night music rehearsal.

There was also the yearly road trip to another fellow Big Ten university. I had the fortune of going to the University of Michigan, Michigan State University, Ohio State University, and University of Iowa. The best road trip had to be to Ohio State University where we won the football game at their famous Horseshoe Stadium. The unfortunate result is that when we were leaving the stadium in our 6 buses, fans of Ohio State University started rocking our buses back and forth with the hope of flipping the buses over. Thankfully, we were able to get out of there just in time.

The experience of being a part of the Marching Illini is something that I have treasured. We also have a "Fossil Band", which is the marching band made up of alumni who come back annually for Homecoming. It was something that I did every year since graduation until 2008, which was close to 20 years. Due to various health problems, including sciatica, and high arches in my feet, I had to take a break. Also, family matters became more important. I would love to go back once again to be a part of this great band.

This photo I had captured from the sidelines when the Marching Illini was performing at halftime. I was with other alumni band members ("fossils") waiting for our turn to enter the field, perform and march. It was a great day!

I have treasured this opportunity to be part of this great band and the traditions it has carried on for decades.

Weekly Prompt: Treasured

From the archives . . . Photo captured October 11, 2008.

Canon PowerShot A630 1/1250 second F/3.2 9 mm

New photos posted on most Mondays through Thursdays.
All photos are copyrighted and may not be reproduced or distributed without my expressed, written consent.

Spotlight Images

Jypyä Pop from Turku, Finland

Great performance. Really festive looking.

8 Mar 2023 5:34am

Ginnie Hart from Netherlands

I totally "get" your pride and excitement about your involvement in and the memories of this marching band experience, especially at a Big Ten university, Steven. When Bill (my ex) and I were students at the University of Michigan, he was part of the Men's Glee Club and still to this day joins them at concerts at the end when all Glee Club alumni join the stage. He also traveled far and wide, even on a world trip, before we were married in 1969. I can also attest for a strong "dislike" of Ohio State, because they're our nemesis, even more so than Michigan State. But...what would university life be like without such adversarial feelings! :) So sorry about your health challenges that kept you from continuing this tradition, but at least you have THESE memories...and a great closeup of your famous marching band!

8 Mar 2023 5:51am

Marie from Parc régional naturel de Chartreuse, France

I understand how much this period of your life may have marked you and remained dear to your heart. Being part of a music band is certainly very interesting and endearing and leaves wonderful memories.
This photo is perfect for this week's theme.

8 Mar 2023 6:11am

lisl from Winsley, United Kingdom

What a privilege to be part of this smart ensemble,Steven

8 Mar 2023 6:31am

Astrid from Netherlands

What an honour to be part of such a great band, Steven. And what fond memories you must have. Too bad that health issues keeps you from performing.
Talk about "good losers" being angry and trying to rock the buses over.....
I love your picture. What an event that is!!!

8 Mar 2023 6:52am

Stephen from Canberra, Australia

Wonderful story, Steven - thanks for sharing. Magnificent photo as well with the shiny musical instruments and sea of red in the stands. A treasured memory indeed.

8 Mar 2023 7:03am

jpla from Anjou, France

c'est la foule !

8 Mar 2023 7:21am

Pascale MD from Parc National des Cévennes, France

Belle fanfare, et de bons souvenirs.
Bonne journée Steven

8 Mar 2023 7:43am

Daniel from Perpignan, France

Départ en fanfare !!!ç

8 Mar 2023 8:37am

Hiro from Kyoto, Japan

must be exciting

8 Mar 2023 8:51am

Maryse from bordeaux, France

Ta photo est superbe et reflète bien ta fierté d'avoir fait partir de ce groupe ! Toute cette période de ta jeunesse (et plus) t'a permis d'engendrer de merveilleux souvenirs ! Merci de les avoir partager avec nous.
Bonne journée Steven

8 Mar 2023 8:59am

Hootin' Anni from Corpus Christi, United States

Great symmetry. But what instrument did you play? Or did I miss that when reading. That would be a bit terrifying with flipping the buses over.

8 Mar 2023 9:31am

@Hootin' Anni: Baritone and trombone.

Doug from Burnham-on-Sea, United Kingdom

An enormous band, I can only imagine how loud the music must have seemed and how proud you would be in their number. A wonderful treasured memory Steven.

8 Mar 2023 10:56am

@Doug: The one thing I forgot to mention are the goose bumps I would get when playing the music in front of such a huge crowd. Happened every time when playing our entrance song during our pre-game performance to liven up the crowd of 60,000 fans.

Marjolein from Voorne aan Zee, Netherlands

It is clear from your explanation that this image is valuable to you. Must be very impressive to be able to perform in such a large stadium.
Great treasured memory

8 Mar 2023 11:18am

SportQuotidien from Lyon, France

Great scene.
I like the geometric compositions and bright colors

8 Mar 2023 11:45am

Devi from Chennai, India

I understand how much you must be TREASURING those moments!!! It must have been a great period.
The write up sounds so impressive except for that SCARY PART WHERE THE BUS WAS ROCKED!!! Than God, nothing serious happened to all of you :)))))

8 Mar 2023 12:41pm

daigneault from Granby, Québec, Canada

Thanks for sharing
this treasure!


8 Mar 2023 12:44pm

willy from Brussel, Belgium

il y avait du monde

et quels bons souvenirs pour vous Steven

have a nice day

8 Mar 2023 1:54pm

Ruthiebear from Titusville, NJ, United States

How wonderful for you! Lovely light and color in this image.

8 Mar 2023 2:44pm

B. Thomas from Arlington, Texas, United States

In my mind I head the drum sticks, then the band starting up. "Fossil Band" made me laugh. Great name. As a high school teacher I always welcomed band kids in my classes because they were a great group of kids. They form a bond that lasts all through the school years.

8 Mar 2023 4:47pm

Ray. B from Charentes-Poitou, France

Wouahhhh c'est merveilleux Steven.
Très belle cérémonie. )

8 Mar 2023 5:23pm

Jason Kravitz from Brussels, Belgium

marching band is a great and treasured tradition
I played trombone as well for my high school band

8 Mar 2023 5:24pm

Willem from Noord-Scharwoude, Netherlands

Magnificent photo accompanied by a beautiful story, and it is well attended given the many people in the stands.

8 Mar 2023 6:06pm

Sam from Chennai, India

A fine presentation of your treasured moments. Beautiful image of marching band and a great account of you being part of the Great band for years and your loving memories. Magnificent. :)

8 Mar 2023 6:57pm

Olivier from Manage, Belgium

for me an picture symbol of USA... excellent

8 Mar 2023 7:05pm

Jean-Luc.M from from Nancy et ailleurs, France

A very nice memory photograph of a life in music!

8 Mar 2023 7:10pm

Mhelene from Villiers-sur-Marne, France

You can be proud of being a member of this marching band !

8 Mar 2023 7:56pm

Harry from Apex, NC, United States

nice framing, and the slight diagonal makes the perspective sing

8 Mar 2023 8:23pm

Darkelf Photography from Perth, Australia

Great photo and this must be such a treasured memory for you. Love the composition and colours.

9 Mar 2023 2:47am

Elaine Hancock from Olney, United States

A magnificent image. That must have been such a wonderful experience to be part of the marching band! I have always liked watching the college marching bands. I don't know how one can coordinate the playing of an instrument and the marching! It wouldn't work our well for me!

9 Mar 2023 3:00am

yo from Entre Seine et Loire, France

Une cérémonie qui a attiré une foule de spectateurs !
Merci pour le récit de tes souvenirs...

9 Mar 2023 8:48am

Remus from Portugal

Good and beautiful memories. And in life that's what matters. Live, create good memories and be happy and make others happy.

9 Mar 2023 7:54pm

jeanmadis from Chonburi, Thailand

Congratulations for this active participation!
Enough to have nostalgia for it...

10 Mar 2023 1:29am

Petits Bonheurs from Digne les bains, France

Ce sont de superbes souvenirs !

10 Mar 2023 1:32pm

Ted from Blackwood, Caerphilly, United Kingdom

Great story and image Steven. During lockdown, and while training and watching endless hours of You Tube...it became a guilty pleasure to watch huge amounts of marching university bands so I completely get the significance of the image and backstory. Nicely done.

16 Mar 2023 9:11pm