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Tulipa Tarda

Posted by
Steven (Chicagoland, United States) on 25 May 2023 in Plant & Nature and Portfolio.

Tulipa urumiensis, the late tulip or tardy tulip, is a species of flowering plant in the family Liliaceae. It is a perennial growing from a bulb. By some sources the accepted name is Tulipa tarda. It has a leathery tunic that is glabrous on the inside. It has up to seven linear green leaves that can be up to 20 cm long. The stem is between 4 and 20 cm long. The yellow flowers have white tips, anthers and stamen are yellow.

Tulipa urumiensis is native to central Asia, growing in rocky subalpine meadows in the Tian Shan. It was confused with Tulipa dasystemon for a long time, and only scientifically described in 1932 by Otto Stapf and again as T. tarda in 1933.

The plant blooms in late April and early May in the Northern Hemisphere. The plant was accorded the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit in 1993.

Weekly prompt: Peeking

Spotted at the Lilacia Park in Lombard, Illinois as they peek from behind the foliage.

Photo captured April 18, 2023.

NIKON D7000 1/125 second F/8.0 ISO 125 105 mm

New photos posted on most Mondays through Thursdays.
All photos are copyrighted and may not be reproduced or distributed without my expressed, written consent.

Spotlight Images

Jypyä Pop from Turku, Finland

Great tulips.

25 May 2023 5:24am

rem_la from Villiers, France

superbe composition

25 May 2023 5:42am

Marie from Parc naturel de Chartreuse - Isère, France

A discovery for me these tulips tarda. Thanks for the explanatory note as well as the photo.

25 May 2023 5:59am

Claudine/canelle from Lorient, France

Elles sont vraiment très jolies ces tulipes !

25 May 2023 6:08am

PascalXLD from Lorient, France

De très jolies tulipes
Bonne journée

25 May 2023 6:10am

jpla from Anjou, France

une tulipe pas commune

25 May 2023 6:30am

Daniel from Perpignan, France

Magnifique cadrage !

25 May 2023 6:54am

Hiro from Kyoto, Japan

very nice capture

25 May 2023 7:33am

Stephen from Canberra, Australia

A tulip like no other - spectacular and great shot!

25 May 2023 7:40am

Pascale MD from Parc National des Cévennes, France

Elles sont vraiment très jolies ces Tulipes.
Bonne journée Steven

25 May 2023 7:40am

Petits Bonheurs from Digne les Bains, France

Bonjour Stevan,
Très jolies tulipes et merci pour les explications.
Douce journée

25 May 2023 7:59am

mo.langel from Courtelary, Switzerland

These flowers are beautiful, nice capture!

25 May 2023 8:12am

Mhelene from Villiers-sur-Marne, France

Very beautiful framing and colors .

25 May 2023 10:16am

Ruthiebear from Titusville, NJ, United States

Lovely bright blooms peeking through

25 May 2023 1:56pm

Willem from Noord-Scharwoude, Netherlands

A beautiful tulip and photo, fine details too.

25 May 2023 2:32pm

Jean-Luc.M from from Nancy et ailleurs, France

A colorful composition on these tulips.

25 May 2023 3:09pm

Devi from Chennai, India

LOvely image and thank you for all that information :)))

25 May 2023 3:31pm

Ron from Fraser Valley, Canada

Beautiful flower shot.

25 May 2023 3:34pm

Elizabeth Buckalew from Flagstaff, United States

This is a really lovely species! I really like your angle for the composition!

25 May 2023 4:47pm

yo from Entre Seine et Loire, France

Magnifique lumière sur ces tulipes aux formes rares !

25 May 2023 6:49pm

Ray. B from Charentes-Poitou, France

Très très belles ces tulipes en forme d'étoile et couleur soleil.)

25 May 2023 7:00pm

suzanne from Belgium

Elles sont superbes sous ton regard !!!:-)

25 May 2023 7:51pm

Ana Lúcia from Leiria, Portugal


25 May 2023 8:10pm

B. Thomas from Arlington, Texas, United States

These are stunning.

26 May 2023 12:13am

Harry from Apex, NC, United States

the dried bark mulch makes a nice background for the fresh blooms

26 May 2023 1:39am

Elaine Hancock from Olney, United States

These tulips are beautiful. I am not familiar with them. I love the color and the shape of the flower.

26 May 2023 2:39am

Astrid from Netherlands

These are just so beautiful, Steven. I often would plant this kind of tulips in the garden, for they stay low at the ground and are not victim of the strong winds.

26 May 2023 5:13am

Ginnie Hart from Netherlands

I definitely see the hint of tulip along with lily, Steven, especially with the heavy-laden anthers. This is a new one for me, which deserves the honors it's received.

26 May 2023 5:24am

Willy from Brussels, Belgium

de bien jolies fleurs que je découvre Steven

une belle photo et des explications intéressantes


26 May 2023 8:43am

Marjolein from Voorne aan Zee, Netherlands

This one is beautiful, itooks like our "vogelmelk" in white

26 May 2023 1:00pm

Roland Theys from gerpinnes, Belgium

Very beautiful flowers

26 May 2023 4:38pm

Remus from Portugal

For me it is a debut. I don't think I've ever seen a tulip like that.
If it were taken out of context, if it were a close-up of the flower, I would even think it was a water lily flower.
Very beautiful flowers.

26 May 2023 7:05pm

Jean-Louis Guianvarc'h from Valence d'Albigeois, France

De merveilleuses tulipes avec une couleur originale. Bonne journée.

28 May 2023 12:28pm

lisl from Winsley, United Kingdom

These look very neat, Steven. They grace your picture

29 May 2023 4:55am

Sam from Chennai, India

So beautiful. Excellent presentation. :)

29 May 2023 6:54am