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Veterans Memorial Circle

Posted by
Steven (Chicagoland, United States) on 10 July 2023 in Cityscape & Urban and Portfolio.

Veterans Memorial Circle was rededicated on June 3, 2023 after getting an overhaul in design. Located in a roundabout in downtown Brookfield, the roundabout was subject to many accidents for people who would drive up the curb and into the fountain. The fountain was also very nondescript with hardly any water visible, particularly on windy days. Now, the fountain has powerful jets to shoot large columns of water up in differing heights. It is also illuminated at night in various colors of red, white and blue. Originally scheduled to be rededicated on Memorial Day, its unveiling was delayed a few days because "Veterans" was misspelled around the fountain's perimeter with an apostrophe (Veteran's). They had to fix that with the concrete already in place. They did a great job. Medallions are also placed around the perimeter of the fountain representing the branches of the armed forces.

Photo captured June 3, 2023.

NIKON D7000 1/1502 second F/5.6 ISO 400 18 mm

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Spotlight Images

Ginnie Hart from Netherlands

Round-abouts are a way of life here in the Netherlands, Steven, and often have something of interest (usually an art sculpture) inside. I quite like the idea of a memorial like this and am glad they made sure they got the spelling right (though one wonders who should have caught the mistake from the get-go!).

10 Jul 2023 5:14am

Daniel from Perpignan, France

Super !

10 Jul 2023 6:19am

PascalXLD from Lorient, France

Belle mise en valeur de ce monument
Bonne journée

10 Jul 2023 6:23am

Astrid from Netherlands

What a wonderful tribute, Steven and indeed they did a great job. It often happens that text is misspelled, sometimes you are to close to it and it happens. Good for them to notice it.
Have a good day.

10 Jul 2023 7:02am

Pascale MD from Parc National des Cévennes, France

Bel hommage.
Bonne journée Steven

10 Jul 2023 7:05am

: Helen : from is currently photographing in Melbourne, Australia

Good photojournalistic photo!

10 Jul 2023 7:22am

Hiro from Kyoto, Japan

nice capture

10 Jul 2023 8:11am

Petits Bonheurs from Digne les bains, France

Un très beau monument ! La mise en valeur est bien réalisée. Bon début de semaine Steven

10 Jul 2023 8:59am

Jypyä Pop from Turku, Finland

It is great

10 Jul 2023 1:28pm

Devi from Chennai, India

Very good capture and thank you for that note :))

10 Jul 2023 2:11pm

Ruthiebear from Titusville, NJ, United States

What a fabulous memorial!

10 Jul 2023 2:14pm

Jean-Luc.M from from Nancy et ailleurs, France

A fine tribute, this memorial!
And a beautiful capture under the blue sky!

10 Jul 2023 3:20pm

Remus from Portugal

Now, there is no reason for more accidents to happen. The font is clearly visible.

Deviating a little from the main subject, I found the detail of the pig above the entrance of the building on the right very funny.

10 Jul 2023 4:23pm

@Remus: That's the Beach Avenue BBQ (Barbeque) Restaurant. :-)

Ray. B from Charentes-Poitou, France

Beau travail ce rond point.... )

10 Jul 2023 5:08pm

Willem from Noord-Scharwoude, Netherlands

That has been refurbished very nicely, I would also like to see it in the dark, nice detail in the photo is the red pig on the roof in the background.

10 Jul 2023 8:20pm

Elizabeth Buckalew from Flagstaff, United States

Thank you for the backstory on this! Nice shot!

11 Jul 2023 1:26am

Darkelf Photography from Perth, Australia

Great place to commemorate war veterans and thank you for the interesting information.

11 Jul 2023 3:07am

Harry from Apex, NC, United States

"eight corners" was a major hang-out area for me from 7th grade through high school (though once I could drive, I probably spent more time near R-B high school and downtown Riverside). It was a plain, undecorated traffic circle when I was there. Thanks for the memory and the chuckle about the misspelling.

11 Jul 2023 3:25am

lisl from Winsley, United Kingdom

This is a beautiful addition to the roundabout. That apostrophe must have caused some embarrassment, Steven

11 Jul 2023 4:43am

Sam from Chennai, India

A beautiful image. And a wonderful tribute. :)

11 Jul 2023 4:52am

Carol Black from Chandler, Arizona, United States

Thank you for sharing this photograph

11 Jul 2023 4:54am